Receive files to your Google Photos directly
Online uploader that allows anyone to drag & drop personal or business files directly to your Google Photos.
Online uploader that allows anyone to drag & drop personal or business files directly to your Google Photos.
Share the uploader and... that's all. Enjoy your free time!
Stop losing shared photos, and become the owner of all memories.
Create an online photo uploader in a few clicks. Work clever!
Let anyone send you photos or large videos by visiting a website you generated in a few clicks. They don't need to install anything even no login is required. Just the URL and files.
Stop relying on others to share photos with you all the time, and become the owner of the pictures to make sure you never lose precious memories from your personal and business life.
Google Photos is the perfect tool for not losing necessary metadata like location. Don't make compromises and keep your photos and videos complete.